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Times Now Amazing Indians Awards 2023 Nisha Malawat Wins Times Now Amazing Indians Awards 2023 in “Slum Care” Category

Welcome To Raise Hope Small Actions Lead To Big changes

Education Support

As per UNICEF data 7.1 million children in India do not go to school.

Medical Support

Nearly 1.73 million children die in India every year due to lack of treatment.

Orphanage Support

An orphanage is a residential institution devoted to the care of orphans.

Women Empowerment

Any society is identified by the empowerment of the women.

That’s 14% of the world’s population. Put another way, that's 1 in 8 people alive today living without hope amongst trash, sewage, drugs, and abuse in unimaginable conditions. Life without secure housing is a life without basic needs being met.

Help Us Now Recent Cases

Kartik Lohar

Treatment Expense Rs.3,50,000

Please support him for his supportive care at the earliest.

Kartik Lohar is 8 years old boy suffering Acute Leukaemia (Blood Cancer).

Devansh Shingate

Treatment Expense Rs.2,00,000

Diagnosed with Wilms Tumor and needs to undergo Chemotherapy + Supportive Care.

Devansh Shingate is a 2 years old boy suffering from Wilms Tumor (Also known as nephroblastoma is a cancer of the kidneys

Swarali Lokhande

Treatment Expense Rs.3,50,000

Please support her for Cancer treatment along with supportive care at the earliest.

Swarali Lokhande is 8 years old girl Suffering from Cancers.

Dipika Chaure

Treatment Expense Rs.3,50,000

Please support her for chemotherapy along with supportive care at the earliest.

Dipika Gangadhar Chaure is 4 years old girl Suffering from Acute Leukemia cancers.

Ruchita Padvi

Treatment Expense Rs.3,50,000

Please support her for her chemotherapy along with supportive care at the earliest.

Ruchita Kantilal Padvi is 4 years old girl suffering from Acute Leukemia cancers.

Sarvesh Bilore

Treatment Expense Rs.6,00,000

Please support him for his supportive care at the earliest.

Sarvesh Bilore is 3 years old boy suffering Acute Leukaemia. (Blood Cancer).

Nishant Pawar

Treatment Expense Rs.3,00,000

Please support him for his supportive care at the earliest.

Nishant Ambadas Pawar is 3½ years old boy suffering Acute Leukaemia. (Blood Cancer).

Mahi Vishwakarma

Treatment Expense Rs.8,00,000

Please support her for her chemotherapy.

Mahi Vishwakarma is a 9 years olg girl suffering from Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is a type of cancer.

Ayush Pardhe

Treatment Expense Rs.4,00,000

Please support him for his surgery with supportive care at the earliest.

Ayush Pardhe is a 4.7 years olg boy Suffering from Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy disease.

Help Other People We Dream to Create A Bright Future Of The Underprivileged Children

Get to Know Us Let Us Come Together To Make a Difference

Abhilasha Foundation is a non-profit NGO established under Society Registration Act, 1860 and The Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950, Abhilasha Foundation is a organization benefitting underprivileged children and their families through various projects on healthcare, education, nutrition, shelter, livelihood, women empowerment, child protection, and other social issues.

Abhilasha Foundation works with the society to create positive transformation. Since its inception, the organization has worked to empower vulnerable sections of society, with a particular emphasis on children and women, by providing them with the opportunity to lead a life of dignity and freedom.

To View Or Download E-Brochure Click Here

Since 10 Years

Plan and implement or join hands with government, donors, non-government and other volunteering bodies for implementing, development that fulfill our vision to educate, organize, strengthen the downtrodden communities with total capacities to manage their own development.

Since 10 Years

Fostering a society wherein women are empowered enough to add value to their family and society; all children are empowered with education and enjoy their childhood rights and creating sustainable and humane society wherein all living being have access to manage their livelihood.

Since 10 Years

We believe in “Converts desires into reality……”, Abhilasha Foundation’s honest objective is to be there in all welfare and uplift activities wherever and whenever society needs. Our foundation is to identify and fulfill the society’s basic needs.

Success Stories Because Your Life Matters

Tisha R Fulsunge

Successfully Treated Congenital Heart Disease

Anya Pavan Rai

Successfully Treated Congenital Heart Disease

Madhura S Naikdhure

Successfully Treated Congenital Heart Disease

Shivshant Biradar

Successfully Treated Congenital Heart Disease

Have Questions Frequently Asked Questions

These were a few of the most asked doubts, FAQs about charity and we tried answering it in a generalized way. In case we missed any of your queries, click below and we’ll answer it.

Ask It Now
What is the true meaning of charity?
Generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering also an aid given to those in need receive charity from the neighbors.
Do NGOs pay salaries?
Most of the NGOs do pay salary but the added job satisfaction of working with NGOs is much better than any other job.
Does Charity brings Good Luck?
It is a proven fact that giving charity is linked with utmost self-satisfaction.
How to verify the NGO is Genuine?
Only registered NGOs are deemed to be legal or allowed to be legal. Make sure you are donating to an NGO registered and have a legal identity.
Is donating to an Individual’s account recommended?
No. There are many scamsters who take donations on their account but never give to the needy.
Are donations deductible in Tax?
Yes, we provide 80G receipt and 10BE certificate for Indian donations.
Is the donated amount rightly used for Poor People?
To ensure that the donor is rightly informed about the expenditure of their donations, any registered NGO will follow a strict post-donation procedure and bills for the same are duly shared.
Featured Campaign
Medical Cases Done
Education Support
Women Empowernment

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